This article coincides with the 25th anniversary of the passage of the Protection of Personal and Property Rights Act 1988. The Act provides mechanisms for decision-making on behalf of people who lack capacity to make decisions for themselves. It is of increasing importance as the population ages. The article looks at the origins of the legislation and its contemporary focus. Recent case law is explored and some challenges for the future outlined. While the need for the Act remains, it may be timely for a fuller review to be undertaken.
Keywords: Incapacity, Power of Attorney, Mental Disorder, Family Court, Disabilities Convention, Contact, Institution, Welfare Guardian
JEL Classification: K39
Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation
Atkin, Bill, The Protection of Personal Property Rights Act 1988 -- Update and Reflections (June 12, 2013). (2013) 44 VUWLR 439-460., Victoria University of Wellington Legal Research Paper No. 40/2015, Available at SSRN:
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