Read the agreement

Looking to dive deeper into the the Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)? Find the information you need below.

Agreement overview

What CETA covers and what it delivers.

Chapter summaries

Chapter-by-chapter guide to CETA’s key provisions.

Final text of the agreement

Full text of CETA as signed by Canada and the EU.

Statement on implementation

Canada’s summary and interpretation of CETA text, and how we will implement it.

Joint Interpretative Instrument

Statement by Canada and EU and EU member states interpreting CETA provisions.

Recommendation and reports on trade and gender

Describes implementation of the CETA Trade and Gender Recommendation.

Recommendation and reports on Trade and SMEs

Describes implementation of the CETA SME Recommendation.

Recommendation and reports on Trade and Climate Action and the Paris Agreement

Describes implementation of the CETA Recommendation on Trade, Climate Action and the Paris Agreement.